This is kind of an off-topic blog for me and my business. As you can see from past blogs, I usually like to give you info in the area of anything antique, vintage, shabby-chic and farmhouse goods. After yesterday’s announcement, I feel you could all use some cheering up and maybe some tips on how take your mind off things. I included these tips below in my February newsletter “The Hen House” but feel we can all use these. I hope you can take at least one tip away from this blog. Soon enough we can get outside into our gardens and yards to get some vitamin D. The following are some tips to shake the “stay at home order”, “lockdown”, “shutdown”, “emergency brake”, or “grey zone” frustration:
1. Indulge in weekly flowers - Add a little colour to your life. Flowers will add a colour to any room you put them in. Also, this weekly tradition will give you something to look forward to.
2. Spend one day a week off social media which includes avoiding non-stop news consumption - Free your mind of the social media noise (or chatter as it is often referred to as) for one day and create a project that you would enjoy. Another option would be to learn something new on this day that you have always wanted to do.
3. Join a virtual interest groupor club - If you are missing that sense of belonging, this is a great way to meet people with the same interest. Again, this will give you something to look forward to. There are many organizations that offer different activities online at different times throughout the day.
4. Make a favourite music playlist - Music is so good for the soul. Having a favourite playlist will help stimulate your brain activity. Also, who does not like singing out loud and dancing like no one is watching?
5. Take an online course to improve your skills or just for interest - What a great time to have the opportunity to learn new skills and information. Learn about a new hobby that you have always wanted information about or do. Take advantage of the world at a bit of a slower pace. There are many free online courses being offered right now or a minimal fee is required to join.
6. Listen to a Podcast - These have become the hottest trend during the pandemic. They are a great way to turn the world around you off for a bit. The podcast is great as they are topics you get to choose to listen to. There is something for everyone. I think by now everyone is "Netflix-ed" out and this would be a great alternative.
7. Get rid of 5 things you never use - Decluttering is great for your mind-space and money in your pocket is even better if you can sell the items!
8. Get outside for a walk daily - Even if it is for 20 minutes of the day, get those endorphins going! There are so many benefits to taking the time to exercise.
9. Have a zoom paint class - Art is so good for the soul too. Art gets your creativity going. This is a great way to get together with friends and socialize at a distance. You do not have to be a great artist because the point is getting together with friends and doing something together.
10. Plan theme nights for dinner - Make one night a themed meal night with decorations and music. Again, this gives people in your household something to look forward to every week that is different and fun. You can google different calendars to see different celebrations from around the world. i.e. National Pizza Day, National Taco Day, National Donut Day....honestly there is a National recognition day almost every day.
I hope at least one of these interests you to try. For me, I took this time to head back to college to brush up on some of my skills. It just seemed like the perfect opportunity and time for me to do so. I am loving it. Mental health is so important. If you need help or someone you know is suffering from the mental strain of Covid-19 please call Crisis Services Canada at 1-833-456-4566, if in Ontario the Canadian Mental Health Association at 1-833-456-4566 or speak to your family physician. In emergencies call 911.
Please stay positive and keep being the unique you that you are!